Posted by : Anzas.Safarudin Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Rare Weapon Drop List ...

Image Wand of Protection
[Fungus Rook @ Gate of Alker – 1.39%]
Level 5
Magical Attack 24
Physical Attack 11

Image Saver Tiger’s Patella
[Red Leopard @ Zakandia Outpost – 0.16%]
Level 18
Magical Attack 36
Physical Attack 17

Image [b]Wand of Glory
Stone Golem @ Tarintus – 0.08%]
Level 27
Magical Attack 47
Physical Attack 22

Image Arc Wand
[Orc Archer @ Moon Blind Swamp – 0.07%]
Level 34
Magical Attack 52
Physical Attack 25
INT +15
MP +100

Image The Shining Stone
[Lucky 77 3rd – 1.77%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 28
Magical Attack 58
WIS +24
Life +410
MP Recovery +11

Image Holyove
[Basilisk @ Way to Howling Ravine – 0.02%]
Level 51
Magical Attack 71
Physical Attack 35
INT +15
VIT +10
HP +50

Image Glory of the Diren
Lucky 77 1st - Not Available
Level 56
Physical Attack 39
Magical Attack 78
INT +20
WIS +10

Image Crystal Orb
[Lucky 77 3rd – 1.18%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 43
Magical Attack 85
VIT +15
WIS +25
Magic Defense +5%

Image Wizardly Wand
[Red Mimics @ Dryed Gazell - 0.01%]
Level 64
Physical Attack 43
Magical Attack 85
INT +25
WIS + 10
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1

Image Zukini Death Wand
[Lucky 77 1st not yet available]
Level 69
Magical Attack 94
Physical Attack 47
Magic Attack+5

Image Power of Lotus
[Lucky 77 3rd – 0.47%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 59
Magical Attack 118
HP +350
[Reckless Mind] Skill Level +1

Medusa’s Staff
[Fighter in the Wind (Zombie) @ Graveyard – 0.01%]
[Wild Mantis @ ? – 0.01%]

Level 104
Physical Attack 55
Magical Attack 131
Magical Attack Power +4%
HP -712
[StoneCurse]Skill Level +1

Image Head of the Tribe’s Wand
[Klulerhorn @ Zakandia Outpost – 4.24%]
Level 24
Physical Attack 35
Magical Attack 37
INT +6
WIS +3
HP +11
MP +18

Image Mandrake’s Root
[Karas Boss @ Tarintus - 1.75%]
Level 31
Physical Attack 34
Magical Attack 47
VIT +6
INT +4
WIS +2
HP +13
MP +18

Image Merlin's Short Staff
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.77%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 42
Magical Attack 65
INT +19
HP -150
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1

Image Mother Earth Crystal Wand
Sketch [Crafting 65% Success Rate]
Level 43
Physical Attack 51
Magical Attack 64
VIT +13
INT +3
WIS +2
HP +11
MP +18
[Magic Cast Spell[5%] increase]skill Level +1

Image Dark Magician's Wand
[Baraku @ Red Orc Outpost – 0.97%]
Level 45
Physical Attack 57
Magical Attack 61
VIT +5
INT +7
WIS +12
MP +35
[Magical Cast Speed [5%]Increase] Skill level +1

Image Cyrophyte
Lucky 77 1st not available.
Level 46
Physical Attack 67
Magical Attack 71

Image Hellfire Bringer
[Red Feather Harpy @ Way to Howling Ravine – 0.01%]
[Succubus @ Mont Blanc Port – 0.01%]
[Salamander @ Dryed Gazell Fall/Dark Portal – 0.01%]

Level 52
Physical Attack 73
Magical Attack 80
[Magical Cast Speed [5%]Increase] Skill level +1
Fireball Skill Level +1
Burning Fire Skill Level +1

Image Circe's Quarter Staff
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.24%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 62
Magic Attack 94
INT +23
Evade -10
Movement Speed -95

Image Source of the Ancient Magical Power
[Orge Shaman @ Howling Cave F2 – 0.02%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 80
Magical Attack 88
INT +12
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1

Image Magician’s Warrant
[Dumaka @ Howling Cafe F1 – 0.30%]
Level 64
Physical Attack 79
Magical Attack 86
VIT +5
INT +9
WIS +3
HP +13
MP +29
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1

Image Prophet’s Wand
[Blue Chest Mimic @ Dryed Gazell – 0.01%]
Level 64
Physical Attack 100
Magical Attack 103
INT +21
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1
Magical Attack Power +3%
Physical Defense +5%

Image Mose's Wand
[Lucky 77 1st not yet available]
Level 65
INT +1
Meteor Level +1

Image Hell's Breath
[Salam @ Dark Portal - ?%]
Level 66
Physical Attack 47
Magical Attack 94
VIT -15
INT +25
WIS +5
MP -100
[Magic Cast Speed 5%] Skill Level +1

Alberig's Elder Staff
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.08%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 85
Magic Attack 126
Magic Attack +5%
Life -666
[Magic Attack +5%] Skill Level +1

Antares's Power
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.02%]
Level 104
Physical Attack 111
Magic Attack 163
INT +14
Physical Defense -5%
[Reckless Mind] Skill Level +1

Image Nimble Hunter’s Bow
[Ras @ Zakandia Outpost – 3.76%]
Level 20
Attack Power 48
Magical Attack 22
DEX +9
STR +2
MP +14

Image Wind Chasing
[Paika @ Moonblind Swamp – 1.49%]
Level 39
Physical Attack 74
Magical Attack 33
DEX +12
VIT +5

Image Soul Measure
Sketch [Crafting Only, 65% Success]
Level 43
Attack Power 77
Magical Attack 34
DEX +4
VIT +8
MP +27

Image Kiyoma’s Feathered Horn Bow
[Kiyoma @ Red Orc Outpost – 0.48%]
Level 46
Physical Attack 94
Magical Attack 40
STR +10
DEX + 10

Image Aktaeon's Long Bow [0.36%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 92
Magic Attack 24
Dexterity +9
HP -150
[Ice Rain] Skill Level +1

Image Orion the Hunter
[b][Lucky 77 3rd - 0.24%]

Level 62
Physical Attack 143
Magic Attack 38
Strength +10
Dexterity +15
MP +98
[Quick Move] Skill Level +1

Image Altair's Composite Bow
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.13%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 204
Magic Attack 51
Evade -19
[Fast Reload] Skill Level +1
[Whispering Fire] Skill Level +1

Euryale’s Bow
[Drop from Austere Grand Master @ ? – 0.01%]
[Mistress @ ? – 0.01%]

Level 100
Physical Attack 243
Magical Attack 76

Image Magic Box’s Poisoned Needle
[Kuikui @ Tarintus – 2.29%]
Level 26
Physical Attack 31
Magical Attack 26
STR +5
DEX +7
WIS +3
MP +19

Image Cinquedea
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.77%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 44
Magic Attack 18
Strength +18
Critical Rate +82
Evade +13

Image Sudden Attack Dagger
Sketch [Crafting Only, 65% Success Rate]
Level 43
Attack Power 41
Magical Attack 34
STR +3
DEX +5
HP +9
MP +14

Image Deadly Poisoned Wedge
[b][Kokatris @ Way to Howling Ravine – 0.39%]

Level 49
Physical Attack 54
Magical Attack 43
DEX +12
STR +9

Image Rule Breaker
[Succubus @ Mont Blanc – 0.01%]
Level 60
Physical Attack 60
Magical Attack 78
STR +10
INT +25
HP +100

Image Deadly Bone Knife
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.18%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 66
Magic Attack 26
Strength +13
Critical Damage +2%
Life -109

Image Grim Reaper’s Scythe
[Troll Guard @ Howling Caves F2 – 0.01%]
Level 63
Attack Power 68
Magic al Attack 52
STR +12
VIT +6

ImageTake That, Dude!
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.61%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 92
Magic Attack 36
Strength +22
Accuracy +13
Critical Damage +7%

Advanced Knife
[Blue Beard Pirate @ Neila Harbor – 0.01%]
Level 103
Physical Attack 120
Magical Attack 49
HP Recovery -66
Crit Damage +17%
[Physical Attack Speed +8%] Skill +1
Image Surveilant's Long Sword
[Kusku Fungus Boss @ Gate of Alker – 9.8%]
Level 11
Physical Attack 25
Magical Attack 16
STR +5
VIT +5

Image Lizardman's Rake Blade
[Protosukus Lizard Boss @ Ruins of Draconian – 6.29%]
Level 18
Physical Attack 29
Magical Attack 20
DEX +5
VIT +5

Image Brave Warrior Blade
[Kylmuris @ Zakandia Outpost – 3.52%]
Level 21
Physical Attack 34
Magical Attack 23
VIT +5
HP +12

ImagePoint of Sword
[Striped/Furious Lizardman @ Moon Blind Swamp – 0.001%]
Level 42
Physical Attack 57
Magical Attack 36
STR +10
INT +15
HP +200
[1]Set effect:[Blizzard]Skill Level +1

Image Military Guard's Sword
[Crafting , 65% success]
Level 43
Physical Attack 53
Magical Attack 34
DEX +4
HP +12
MP +15

Image Bloody Howler
[Huuga @ Red Orc Outpost – 0.94%]
Level 44
Physical Attack Power: 58
Magical Attack Power: 37
STR +3
DEX +16

Image Skeleton Knight's Bone Blade
[Saika Skeleton Boss @ Mont Blanc - 0.4%]
Level 55
Physical Attack 80
Magic Attack 50
STR +10
DEX +3
MP +22

Image Song of Warrior
[b][Widow Laito/Laito @ Date Dungeon or Howling Cave F2 – 0.03% / 0.29%]

Level 62
Physical Attack 89
Magical Attack 54
DEX +5
VIT +12
HP +31

Image Bloody Scimitar
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.18%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 88
Magical Attack 85
Strength +5
DEX +5
VIT +5
INT +15
WIS +5
MP +300

Image Lenciana's Rapier
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.47%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 126
Magical Attack 36
STR +23
Strike +10
HP Recovery +5

Image Long Sword of Steno
[Blue Beard Pirate (swordsman) @ Neila Harbor – 0.001%]
Level 97
Physical Attack 154
Magical Attack 48
Physical Attack Power +2%
Accuracy +5
[Stone Curse]Skill +1

[Lag Sparrow @ Neila Harbor – 0.07%]
Level 102
Physical Attack 165
Magical Attack 74
STR +11
DEX -9
Evasion +2

Sword with Seven Stars
[Huge Mummy @ Graveyard – 0.01%]
Unknown Stats

Image Golem’s Grinder
[Heis @ Zakandia - 1.83%]
Level 32
Physical Attack 59
Magical attack 29
STR +8
VIT +5
Hp +15

Image Deadly War Sword
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.36%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 84
Magical Attack 40
STR +22
DEX -19
[Berserker]Skill Level +1

Image Gorge Wing’s blade
[Piori @ Way of Howling Ravine - 0.41%]
Level 51
Physical Attack 96
Magical attack 45
STR +11
DEX +9
VIT +5

Image Muramasa
[Black Beard Morgan @ Neila Harbor - 0.07%]
Level 80
Physical Attack 175
Magical Attack 66
DEX +15
VIT -44
HP -444
Physical Defense -5%
Evasion +10
Attack Speed +15%

Image Cursed Fingernail
[Draka @ Moon Blind Swamp - 1.65%]
Level 35
Physical Attack 51
Magical Attack 33
STR +11
DEX +5

Image Halberd
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.22%]
Level 61
Physical Attack 88
Magical Attack 26
VIT +5
Critical Rate +172
Strike +5

Image Partisan
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.66%]
Level 102
Physical Attack 169
Magical Attack 46
STR +14
Critical Damage +2%
Accuracy +7

Image Perished Axe of Battle
[Brashi @ Ruins of Draconian - 5.38%]
Level 16
Physical Attack 39
Magical Attack 20
STR +9
Dexterity +2

Image Decapitator
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.77%]
Level 41
Physical Attack 84
Magical Attack 24
STR +12
Strike -5
Critical Rate +94

Image Battle Terminator of Tribe Leader
[Karungga @ Red Orc Outpost 0.51%]
Level 52
Physical Attack 85
Magical Attack 42
STR +16
DEX +3
VIT +2

Image Ancient Ax
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.24%]
Level 62
Physical Attack 128
Magical Attack 38
DEX -14
Critical Damage +4%

Image Cruel Butcher
[Latou @ Howling Raive - 0.29%]
Level 63
Physical Attack 119
Magical Attack 53
DEX +7
STR +7
VIT +7

Image Kimball's battle Axe
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.61%]
Level 83
Physical Attack 182
Magical Attack 51
STR +19
Strike -9
Critical Rate +133

Image Golden Axe
[One-Eyed Wookis @ Neila Harbor – 0.07%]
Level ?
STR +10
VIT +10
Strike +6.5


Image Regulus's Wooden Club
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.22%]
Level 61
Physical Attack 88
Magic Attack 26
Vitality +11
Wisdom +15
Move Speed +52

Image Athena's Mithril Hammer
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.66%]
Level 82
Physical Attack 126
Magic Attack 118
INT +19
Magic Attack +5%
MP Recovery +5


Image Grand Scepto
[Lucky 77 3rd - 1.22%]
Level 61
Physical Attack 116
Magic Attack 35
STR +10
VIT +15
HP Recovery +7

Image Mighty Sceptor
[Lucky 77 3rd - 0.66%]
Level 102
Physical Attack 228
Magic Attack 61
STR +20
VIT +20

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